Grant success for Tudors' walking football initiative

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The latest football news from around the world.
Hemel Town have received funding for their Hemel's Happy Feet Walking Football sessions for the over-50s '“ a slower version of the beautiful game.

The National League Trust and the Dacorum Age UK charity have agreed to financially support the project, which will allow the Tudors to bring this activity to the residents of Hemel Hempstead and the wider borough of Dacorum.

The trust is a partnership between the National League, the Premier League and the Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA).

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The Premier League and the PFA have committed to support the trust until 2019.

They will each contribute to a donation of £1.2 million a year over this period.

This will allow the trust to help National League member clubs develop their community programmes.

Walking football has become increasingly popular.

It’s exactly what it sounds like – a standard game of football where players walk instead of run.

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It is designed to help people get fit or maintain an active lifestyle no matter what their age and fitness, as well as support people getting back into football if they have given it up due to age or injury.

Older people who play have seen many benefits: a lower heart rate and blood pressure, less fat and more muscle along with better mobility.

And it’s not just the health benefits – walking football also offers social benefits.

Participants can meet new people, avoid becoming isolated, and interact with individuals and small groups.

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It is a sporting activity which aspires to being suitable for all.

Date of the sessions have still yet to be confirmed.

Participants will be required to complete a registration form which will include a general medical and fitness questionnaire and players need to attend equipped with their own medication (if applicable), kit and footwear appropriate for artificial grass.

To register your interest, phone Hemel Town’s club secretary Dean Chance on 01442 251 521 or email [email protected].

Meanwhile, the Tudors are holding a Race Night on Friday, July 14, in order to give their fans a fun night.

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The first race will be at 8pm, with the doors opening from 6pm.

It costs £5 per person, and will include a buffet being laid on by the club as well as a big raffle.

The club is also seeking sponsors for races.

To purchase tickets or further details, see the contact details above.