Hertfordshire Police chief launches Christmas campaign supporting domestic abuse victims

Hertfordshire Police and Commissioner David Lloyd, photo from Gene WetherleyHertfordshire Police and Commissioner David Lloyd, photo from Gene Wetherley
Hertfordshire Police and Commissioner David Lloyd, photo from Gene Wetherley
Christmas is not always a joyous time for everyone

Hertfordshire Police Commissioner David Lloyd has launched a new campaign raising domestic abuse awareness ahead of Christmas.

Held at the Chrysalis Centre, a Christmas appeal has started highlighting support is available to anyone who is concerned about their behaviour towards their partner or family.

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Three seasonal radio adverts have been created to highlight this time of year can bring about tensions for couples and families and creatively introduces thought provoking cause for reflection by any person causing abuse.

Hertfordshire Constabulary is also carrying out 16 Days of Action, as part of its campaign to raise awareness of abuse and to end gender-based violence.

Hertfordshire’s Chrysalis Centre operates as an intervention hub and works with domestic abuse perpetrators to prevent or break the cycle of their behaviour. This offending type can include spousal abuse, as well as abuse against children and parents. It was created this year after a successful funding bid from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire and partners.

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Commissioner Lloyd said: “Whilst this time of year is a joyous time for many, some people dread the prospect of increased tension and arguments, which sometimes, regrettably, can spill into abuse and violence. This need not be the case and Chrysalis Centre is there to support people who would like help to change their abusive behaviour.”

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The Chrysalis Centre is a free service and is now open for referrals, including self-referrals, and more details can be found online.

Kevin McGetrick, head of commissioning and victim services for Hertfordshire office of the PCC added: “A child is present in around one in five reported domestic abuse incidents to police. This campaign recognises the impact on children and does so in a highly creative and seasonal manner. I am hopeful action today prevents young persons from facing adverse experiences later in life.”

Bianca Moreira, director of operations for Chrysalis Centre said “Chrysalis Centre is free of charge for those seeking support and referral is straightforward and easy to do. People can rest assured the service is non-judgemental and ensures the sensitivity those seeking help would want.”