Here are the lowest rated eateries in Dacorum.Here are the lowest rated eateries in Dacorum.
Here are the lowest rated eateries in Dacorum.

The 13 Dacorum businesses with a 0 or 1 star food hygiene rating

All the ratings were current as of September 2

Food hygiene ratings help people to choose where to eat out or shop for food by telling them how seriously the business takes its food hygiene standards.

While the majority of restaurants, canteens and eateries in Dacorum have ratings of three or higher, 13 eateries have ratings of one or less.

Establishments like takeaways, pubs and bars are rated in three areas when they are inspected.

They are assessed on hygienic food handling (how food is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored), cleanliness and condition of facilities and building and management of food safety which looks at systems in place to make sure that food is safe to eat and if the food safety officer has confidence that standards will be maintained in future.

Here are all the businesses in Dacorum that currently have a rating of 0 or 1 according to the Food Standards Agency.

M And S Butchers in Hemel Hempstead had a rating of one but was recently inspected and a new rating is to be published soon, so will not be included in the list.