Scout's honour as Hemel Hempstead boy becomes the first Cub in Hertfordshire to earn all 66 badges

Connor with MP Sir Mike PenningConnor with MP Sir Mike Penning
Connor with MP Sir Mike Penning | other
The Scouting movement teaches dedication, hard work, and determination - but few youngsters have shown it as much as 10-year-old Connor McKinnon who has earned all 66 badges.

The Holtsmere End Primary School student, who is a member of 4th Hemel Hempstead Cubs pack, realised last December that he had been awarded so many that there was a very real possibility that he could complete the set before he moves up to Scouts after Christmas 2019.

And his pack were so impressed that they organised a special week for him, with his pack leader visiting Holtsmere to present his final badge on Monday, with every single student who is in Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts wearing their corresponding uniform to school for the day.

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And on Tuesday MP Sir Mike Penning visited his Cub meeting specially to present him with his final award, along with a personal letter of congratulations. This was a special moment for both as the final badge was ‘Disability Awareness’ and Sir Mike has previously held the office of Minister of State for Disabled People.

Sir Mike also spent time talking to the Cubs about his work in Parliament and answering questions that the Cubs asked him.

Connor said: “I know that I have tried my hardest and gave my whole effort to get all 66 badges. I have done things I never had before such as the equestrian badge and time on water and taking risks doing new things.

"If you want to try something new, go to Cubs or Beavers or Scouts and give it a go."

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Connor’s Mum, Jane Hansen, added “Connor has done amazingly well to complete this fantastic task of earning every possible badge he could in Cubs and I couldn't be more proud. Being a Cub and achieving all 66 badges to date has given Connor an immense sense of pride.

“Since joining Beavers and then Cubs at 4th Hemel Hempstead Connor has always enjoyed being part of the organisation, learning new skills, embracing challenges, making new friends and having great fun whilst developing life-long skills in both team work and personal challenges."

Connor’s Cub Leader, Michael Albon, said “As his Cub leader I have seen the work he’s put into completing the set since he set himself the challenge back in December 2018 so we’re all really glad that he’s now completed them all. He’s a very enthusiastic and adventurous Cub who gets involved in all the activities we run and we’re all very proud of him!”