I absolutely love a Christmas market. Visiting one during the festive season is a tradition I have kept up for years.
Christmas markets are known for the selling of unique, handmade gifts. At Christmas markets you can find the likes of f candles, alcohol sets, festive decorations and everything in between.
While I certainly enjoy looking through the creative products (and of course purchasing them for gifts), I’m mostly there for the food and drinks.
Here is my ranking of the popular Christmas market foods and drinks, from my most favourite to least favourite.

5. Adobe Stock
Although they are not for everyone, I absolutely adore mince pies. However, I’m more likely to eat them at home than I am from a Christmas market. | Mince Pies

6. Hot Chocolate
While hot chocolate is a clear favourite for most at a Christmas market, I’m not usually drinking it. Although I do love hot chocolate (especially if it has a marshmallow and cream topping), I’m more likely to sip on a mulled wine. | Vladislav Noseek - stock.adobe.c

7. Beer
I’m not a fan of beer at all. While it may be an excellent pairing with a German sausage, beer is just not my thing, and I would never choose it at a Christmas market. | JustLife - stock.adobe.com