VIDEO: ‘We need your peanut butter!’ Pet charity wants nutty treat for homeless dogs

Tye the peanut butter loving dogTye the peanut butter loving dog
Tye the peanut butter loving dog
A pet charity is appealing for donations of peanut butter for homeless dogs who go nuts for the sweet treat.

Abandoned dogs in the care of Blue Cross have found a taste for the nutty paste and enjoy it as an occasional treat and for mental stimulation licking it out of toys.

However, Blue Cross warns people to check the ingredients carefully before they give peanut butter to pooches as it can contain Xylitol - an artificial sweetener toxic to dogs.

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Kellie Brooks, centre manager at the Hertfordshire branch, said the dogs enjoy licking it out of toys and rawhides for entertainment.

Tye the peanut butter loving dogTye the peanut butter loving dog
Tye the peanut butter loving dog

She said: “We help over 2,500 dogs each year across our rehoming centres, so we get through a fair few jars of the stuff.

“We really hope people will help spread the word about our appeal as it really benefits the dogs we care for, but like any treat, it should be given in moderation.

“Our dogs enjoy licking it out of Kongs and rawhides – it can keep them entertained for hours, which is a great way of keeping them occupied in kennels while they are waiting for new homes.”

Tye is a six-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier who enjoys peanut butter and is looking for a new home in Hertfordshire.

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