Santas get in some training for annual dash

Santas get in training for the Santa DashSantas get in training for the Santa Dash
Santas get in training for the Santa Dash
A squad of Santas was seen limbering up at the Gadebridge Parkrun, in readiness for the Hospice of St Francis' Santa Dash on Sunday, December 11.

The annual high-spirited event sees Santas taking to the streets of Hemel to raise funds for local hospice care at Christmas.

Everyone is invited to join in – even four-legged friends.

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The Santa Dash starts off at Hemel Riverside at 10am and sees Santas streaming down the high street and into Gadebridge Park for a two-and-a-half-mile dash, ending with a medal, a mince pie and a hot drink.

To sign up, visit