Police show LGBT+ support at Pride event in Hemel

Hertfordshire Constabulary officers with the Rainbow CarHertfordshire Constabulary officers with the Rainbow Car
Hertfordshire Constabulary officers with the Rainbow Car
Officers from Hertfordshire Constabulary showed support for the county's LGBT+ community on Saturday September 8, at Hertfordshire Pride 2018 in Gadebridge Park, Hemel.

Officers have been attending Herts Pride since it was first established six years ago. Last year’s event saw the launch of the Rainbow Car, a rainbow-coloured patrol car that aims to raise awareness of and encouraging the reporting of hate crimes.

Police officers, PCSOs, police staff and cadets ran a stall where people could learn more about the role of the constabulary’s LGBT+ Liaison Officers, and get advice about how to report same-sex domestic abuse and hate crime.

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They were joined by Chief Constable Charlie Hall and Chief Superintendent Matt Nicholls.

Sergeant Steve Alison, chair of the Herts Constabulary LGBT+ Network, said: “Today has been a fantastic event and it’s been great to meet with and speak to so many of the county’s LGBT+ residents.

“It is vital that we work to ensure that Hertfordshire is a safe county for the LGBT+ community to live and work in.

“It is important that the constabulary are visible at events like these so that the LGBT+ community can understand we are there to support them.

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“I hope our attendance at today’s event reassures the community of our commitment to them and that they can feel confident when reporting an LGBT+ hate crime to us.

“Hate crime will not be tolerated in Hertfordshire and you will always be taken seriously and treated with sensitivity.

“If you need to report an LGBT+ hate crime, you can speak to us without fear via the non-emergency number 101, or online at www.herts.police.uk/Report

“If a crime is ongoing, you must always call 999.

“If you do not feel comfortable speaking directly to police, hate crime can also be reported online through the True Vision website at www.report-it.org.uk which all police forces in England, Northern Ireland and Wales are signed up to.

“The online report will then be forwarded to the relevant local police force.”