Police mark over 100 tools at successful session

A police officer uses the new engraverA police officer uses the new engraver
A police officer uses the new engraver
More than 100 tools were engraved as part of a police event aimed at helping people to keep their property safer.

The free event took place at Electric Center, on the Macdonald Business Park, in Hemel Hempstead, on January 26.

The Hemel Hempstead North, Rural, West and Central Safer Neighbourhood Team has recently purchased equipment which allows officers to engrave tools to help make them less attractive to thieves, and more easily identifiable should they be stolen and recovered.

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Sgt Matt Deveney said: “The feedback we have received since launching the Op Engrave scheme earlier this month has been really positive and Thursday’s event was a great success. We spent around four hours marking tools and offering crime prevention advice to visitors.

“We’re incredibly grateful to Electric Center for their assistance with the event and look forward to working with them again in future.”

Electric Center spokesman Tony Major said: “The tool marking event was a great idea. When Sergeant Deveney came in to ask about putting some posters up, we immediately offered our premises to use for an event. We are very pleased to have been able to assist in this crime prevention initiative and have invited Matt and his team back in a few weeks for a repeat event.”

For more information, contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team on 01442 271642 or email [email protected]

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