Fancy running the marathon for Hertfordshire’s Rennie Grove Hospice Care?

2019 Rennie Grove London Marathon team2019 Rennie Grove London Marathon team
2019 Rennie Grove London Marathon team
Places are now being released for next year’s London Marathon, courtesy of Rennie Grove Hospice Care.

The charity, which cares for people with life-limiting illnesses, has a number of ‘Gold Bond’ places which are reserved for people who are sponsored to take part in the 26-mile race.

But you will need to be quick as competition is hotly contested!

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Claire Redrup, community fundraising manager at Rennie Grove, said: “To apply for one of Rennie Grove’s London Marathon Gold Bond places please get in touch with our friendly fundraising team to register your interest. We will then ask you to complete and return an application form.

“Successful Gold Bond applicants will become members of Rennie Grove’s team and you will be eligible to join an exclusive Facebook group, receive weekly emails full of useful training tips and fundraising advice, a branded running vest, a range of sponsorship materials and lots of support from the fundraising team. You will also be invited to team social get-togethers including our famous pasta night.

“We ask all our Gold Bond runners to pledge to raise a minimum of £2,500 in sponsorship. This year Rennie Grove’s marathon team raised enough sponsorship money to fund a nurse for a whole year.”

The official online ballot for The Virgin London Marathon places closes at the end of October. Anyone who enters the ballot and is lucky enough to obtain a place is also welcome to choose to support Rennie Grove; they will also be eligible to join Rennie Grove’s team and receive the same benefits as our Gold Bond runners. The only difference is that they have sponsorship target.

If you would like to join Rennie Grove’s London Marathon team in 2020 then register your interest by contacting [email protected] or 01727 731028.

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