Ex-smoker from Tring urges others to kick the habit for good this Stoptober

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A Tring woman who kicked the habit for good after decades of smoking is urging others to ditch the cigarettes for Stoptober.

The campaign is back again for the eighth year running, and Hertfordshire County Council is encouraging everyone who smokes to take advantage of the free support available to help them stop smoking.

Carol, talking about her experiences, said “After smoking for 40 years and not really ever giving up apart from once for six months, I came to the Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service and I’ve actually stopped. I found it really useful, and using Champix is excellent, the whole programme is superb.”

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When Carol was asked about why she thought people should try to change and join the Stoptober challenge, she added: “Well I’m a lot richer and I feel healthier, so do the Stoptober challenge. It’s well worth it.”

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Smoking remains the most important cause of death and disability in the Hertfordshire. Stopping smoking has great benefits for the health of not only those who give up but also for the people around them; it could also save someone who smokes an average of £2,000 a year and lift families out of poverty.

Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention, Tim Hutchings, said: “Smoking rates in Hertfordshire are the lowest they have ever been at 12 per cent, lower than the national average. However we are aware that there is still much work to do to bring these down further.

“There are some areas in Hertfordshire where the numbers of people who smoke remain high. Our Tobacco Control Strategic Plan 2019-2022 has identified the areas and groups we should prioritise to reduce the harm from tobacco. We are actively working to reduce smoking rates in these groups.

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“Stoptober is the perfect inspiration for the many smokers we know want to quit - and we can help them - so we urge anyone who wants to give up to get in touch.”


Through Hertfordshire’s Stop Smoking Service you can to talk to a trained adviser and benefit from expert face-to-face advice.

The Service also supports people to stop smoking using e-cigarettes, which are 95 per cent safer than smoking tobacco as well as being cheaper than conventional cigarettes and generally cheaper than other nicotine containing products.

Simply text SMOKEFREE to 80818, call 0800 389 3 998 or visit: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/stopsmoking.