Mums brave sleepout for refugees

Lisa Hartley, Sue Hampton and Flip Pike of People Not BordersLisa Hartley, Sue Hampton and Flip Pike of People Not Borders
Lisa Hartley, Sue Hampton and Flip Pike of People Not Borders
A group of Berkhamsted mums will be sleeping out in the cold on Friday night in support of refugees in Europe.

Charity worker Flip Pike, aged 39, support worker Lisa Hartley, 35, and wedding planner Victoria Sinderman are bracing themselves for a night in the car park of Kings Road Church from 7pm on Friday to 7am on Saturday.

The women, who belong to the humanitarian group People Not Borders, are collecting sleeping bags, blankets and roll mats to send to refugees in Paris and Greece. They will be accepting donations on the night and are also hoping people will sponsor them with donations, to be split between People Not Borders and Dacorum homeless charity DENS.

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People Not Borders is an independent group of local volunteers, run by a committee of women. Its Berko Rocks concert at the Civic Centre in November raised over £1,400. Two Christmas appeals filled 700 Bags of Love for children in Aleppo plus 200 waterproof packs for adults in Dunkirk.


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