‘I’m not threatened by UKIP!’ says Tory MP

David Gauke, MP for South West HertsDavid Gauke, MP for South West Herts
David Gauke, MP for South West Herts
South West Herts MP David Gauke says that he isn’t threatened by UKIP and that most people in his constituency will view voting for the Eurosceptic party as ‘counterproductive’.

He spoke out after a story was published on this website last week about the defection of Tory MP for Clacton Douglas Carswell to UKIP, sparking a by-election.

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But current Tory MP for the constituency David Gauke said: “I am disappointed that Douglas has defected to UKIP.

“The point I would make to him and anyone else thinking of voting UKIP is that the only way to deliver a referendum on EU membership is to elect a Conservative government in 2015.

“Voting for anyone else is counterproductive and I think most people in South West Hertfordshire will recognise that.”