Getaway car driven off with boot still open after Hemel Hempstead burglary

No Caption ABCDE ENGEMN00120130808153458No Caption ABCDE ENGEMN00120130808153458
No Caption ABCDE ENGEMN00120130808153458
Did you see a black Audi being driven with its boot open in the Cupid Green Lane area on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 4?

Detectives are appealing for help after a burglary took place at around 2.15pm. Offenders forced entry to a porch area before smashing glass in a front door to gain access to the address.

An untidy search was carried out before tools, cash and poker equipment was stolen. The offenders then got into the car and headed towards St Agnells Lane.

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Detective Constable Paula Mowbray said: “I am appealing for anyone who may have seen a vehicle of this description in the area around the time stated. It is believed to have been driven off with the boot still open so would have stuck in the mind of anyone who saw it.

“I would also like to hear from anyone else who may have information about the burglary. Any information could greatly assist our enquiries.”

Call Herts Police via the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference D1/17/2734.

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