Get busy and Clean for the Queen's big day

Lady Verulam, Cllr Frances Button and Cllr Teresa Heritage join litter picking volunteers.Lady Verulam, Cllr Frances Button and Cllr Teresa Heritage join litter picking volunteers.
Lady Verulam, Cllr Frances Button and Cllr Teresa Heritage join litter picking volunteers.
A volunteer-led litter picking event kicked off support for Clean for the Queen in Hertfordshire.

Hertfordshire County Council chairman Frances Button was joined by Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Lady Verulam as well as a team of volunteers to collect litter.

In the run-up to the Queen’s 90th birthday on April 21, Clean for the Queen aims to inspire a million people to take action and spend a few hours together litter-picking to make the places where we live more beautiful. All of the country’s litter charities have come together in support of this campaign together with a growing range of companies, land managers and associations.

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Clean for The Queen litter blitzes are taking place throughout the UK until March with a big clear-up weekend from Friday, March 4 until Sunday, March 6.

Frances Button, chairman of Hertfordshire County Council said: “I was delighted at the number of people who turned out to take part in this event and particularly to see so many local residents coming together to do something for their area. We want Hertfordshire to be sparklingly clean for Her Majesty’s 90th birthday and I’d encourage residents to sign up to events in their area over the weekend of March 4.”

Teresa Heritage, executive member for localism at Hertfordshire County Council, said: “Clean for the Queen is a splendid example of how residents can play an active role in their local communities and make a real difference to their areas. I’m delighted that Hertfordshire’s councils are supporting this initiative and I hope residents will take up the challenge.”

Residents can find out about events in their area, or register their own community event, at