Teenage drug dealer charged after police raid in Hemel Hempstead

A teenage boy has been charged with drug dealing after police stormed a property in Hemel Hempstead.

As part of Operation Mantis, officers seized crack cocaine and heroin at an address in Alexandra Road, along with a mobile phone believed to be used in drug dealing.

Adam Mrabet, 19, of London, was arrested and subsequently charged with possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and possession of criminal property.

The raid took place on Thursday, September 26.

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Police constable Hunni Glanville, said: “This warrant was part of our on-going activities to combat drug and gang crime in the county.

"We are sending a message to criminals who are bringing crime and violence to our local communities."

County lines, also known as criminal exploitation, is when gangs and organised crime networks groom and exploit children to sell drugs.

Often these children are made to travel across counties, and they use dedicated mobile phone ‘lines’ to supply drugs.

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PC Glanville added: "Young and vulnerable people are often the ones who suffer the most, being drawn into criminal activities, drugs and even sexual exploitation.

“Our operations are making a significant impact on the county lines networks operating in Hertfordshire, and we will continue to disrupt gang activities and stop the supply of drugs into our towns.”

If you suspect that a property in your area is being used for criminal activity or you believe that someone you know is being exploited or coerced into crime, please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary via the non-emergency number 101.

Alternatively, you can contact the independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111