Man indecently exposes himself to dog walker in Berkhamsted

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Have you seen this man?
Officers investigating an incident of indecent exposure in Berkhamsted have released an image of a man they would like to speak to as part of their enquiries.

At around 8.30am on Sunday, April 14, the victim – a woman aged in her 40s – was walking her dog in Canal Fields when she saw a man who was touching himself inappropriately.

PC Rob Munn, who is investigating, said: “We’d like to speak to the man pictured as we believe he may have been in the area around the time of the offence and may have information that can assist the investigation.

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“We have carried out extensive enquiries in our efforts to identify this individual and now I am appealing for the public’s help.”

Have you seen this man?Have you seen this man?
Have you seen this man?

Anyone who recognises him is asked to contact PC Munn by emailing [email protected], submitting information online at or call the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference 41/34371/19.

Alternatively, you can stay anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or submit details via their untraceable online form at