Hemel knifeman jailed for 16 months

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A knifeman who shouted “I am going to kill your mum and make you watch,” has been handed a 16-month jail term.

Islam Whetter, known as Izzy, confronted two women and baby near his home in Hemel Hempstead at around 4pm on Thursday, April 18.

Neighbours heard him shout at one of the women: “You are nothing to me. You are dead to me.”

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Prosecutor Rory Keen told St Albans Crown Court that Whetter said, “I will show you what I can do,” before running into his house and returning with a kitchen knife that had a 10-inch blade.

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He shouted: “I am going to kill your mum and make you watch,” before walking off down the road with a knife in his hand.

Witnesses saw the women and baby leave with Whetter shouting, “You are nothing to me.”

Whetter, 24, of Tremaine Gardens, Grovehill, appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to possessing a knife and using threatening words and behaviour. He had 11 convictions for 22 offences.

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Stephen Cooke, defending, said both he and Whetter, who appeared via a video link from HMP Bedford, acknowledged the case could only be met by an immediate jail sentence.

He said: “He has a poor record. This was a guilty plea at the earliest opportunity.

“He has had a troubled background and was in care. He says he will use his time in custody to straighten his head out.”

Jailing him on May 9, Judge Michael Kay QC said: “A number of people saw you arguing with two women.

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“There was a baby present and this was a loud and unpleasant argument.

“You went back to the house and returned with a kitchen knife.

“You had 11 convictions for 22 offences. In 2016 you were sentenced at Luton Crown Court for two offences of having a bladed article, a public order offence and causing actual bodily harm. You have learnt little. You are here again.”

After receiving his sentence Whetter said: “Thank you, your honour.”