Free home upgrade grants for Hemel households: Why councils and government want to help you save on your bills

Free energy-saving grants to help improve your home sounds like common sense – but this government-backed scheme could help more than just your bank balance.

A major round of grant funding to help restricted income families improve the energy-efficiency of their home and reduce their household bills sounds like a sure-fire winner.

Eligible householders could receive grant funding to improve their main heat source or to insulate their homes.

The scheme – backed by central government and dozens of local councils – is aimed at helping people who would otherwise struggle to pay their energy bills.

So why are the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and councils willing to invest in homes owned by individuals and families? We checked out the Home Upgrade Grants (HUG) information to get a few answers about the scheme.

“People are naturally wary of schemes that seem to over promise – and free help to cut your heating bills when you own your own home definitely sounds attractive. But there’s a very good reason why there is official funding available,” those behind the scheme said. “The scheme we help manage, the Home Upgrade Grant Phase Two, is a Government-funded local authority scheme for those properties that are ‘off gas’ – ie reliant on electricity, oil, solid fuels or LPG – for their main source of heating. The scheme aims to deliver energy-saving improvements to the homes of people who struggle to pay their heating bills and keep their homes warm in the winter.”

Homeowners with a total household income of £36,000 or less could be eligible, as could people in receipt of certain means-tested benefits.

The improvements are made free of charge and are aimed to help residents keep their homes warm while using less energy.

It’s not just about keeping cash in people’s pockets, though. There are strong evidential links between insulation and warmth – in particular damp or mould – having a knock-on effect on individual’s health. By investing in home improvements, it is hoped that the health and wellbeing of the population will be better protected, especially in vulnerable households with a restricted income.

The threshold for eligible households recently increased to £36,000, making grant funding available to more people than ever. However, applications are on a first come first served basis, and close in September with all work having to be completed by early 2025.

Want to know if you qualify for help? Visit to find more information and to fill in an application.