276 new homes for Hemel Hempstead as part of Spencer's Park Phase 2 West

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Spencer’s Park Phase 2 West will also deliver extensive green public open spaces and a variety of children’s play spaces

Dacorum Borough Council has approved plans submitted by Countryside and Homes England for the first phase of Spencer’s Park Phase 2 West, providing 276 new homes in Hemel Hempstead.

Plans for the first phase of Spencer's Park Phase 2 have been given reserved matters consent by the council - meaning they have permission to start work on site subject to conditions with final details, which they will work on first.

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Reserved matters is a type of planning application with details which follow the outline (in principle) application granted in 2017.

The new homes, of which 35 per cent will be for affordable housing, will comprise a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom homes.

Spencer’s Park Phase 2 West will also deliver extensive green public open spaces and landscaping, a variety of children’s play spaces and car parking.

The masterplan has been developed to promote walking, cycling and the use of public transport with segregated foot and cycleways and provision for future bus services.

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Designed by HTA Design, all the new homes on site will be constructed using modern methods of construction.

Daniel Layton, managing director, Partnerships North London, Countryside, said: “Achieving planning permission for Phase 2 West at Spencer’s Park is a proud moment for all parties involved.

"As we work closely with Homes England to create a new thriving community in Hertfordshire, we look forward to delivering sustainable high-quality homes that can be cherished by future generations.

“Our commitment to delivering homes through modern methods of construction is unwavering as we compile valuable data within the MMC research programme. Undoubtedly this will be part of the blueprint going forward when it comes to building for the future.”

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Spencer’s Park is the largest of eight sites included in Homes England’s Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Research Commission.

The purpose of this Commission is to collect a body of verifiable data from a range of MMC typologies throughout the lifecycle of a development from construction to post-occupation.

Data collected at these eight sites will be made available to developers and the wider industry to promote understanding of these new technologies and benefits of MMC.

This Commission is being undertaken in partnership with Atkins and supported by the Building Research Establishment and is aligned with work already undertaken by the Construction Leadership Council and the Advanced Industrialised Methods for Construction of Home initiative.

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All new homes at Spencer’s Park will be constructed using MMC.

Alison Crofton, Development Director, Homes England, said: "Spencer’s Park securing planning is an important step towards building a well-designed community with extensive green space.

"We’re pleased to be working alongside our partner Countryside to deliver this masterplan.

"Homes England has made a commitment to modernising the construction industry and supporting innovation.

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"Not only does this site entirely comprise homes built using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), it also forms part of our MMC Research Commission, the largest MMC research project in Western Europe.

"We look forward to seeing the site develop and the data gathered on site supporting the sector’s understanding of MMC."

Construction is set to begin in Q1 2022 with overall development completion anticipated in 2029.

Phase 2 East planning work will begin in August 2021 and will be submitted in March 2022. Subject to approvals, once completed, Spencer’s Park Phase 2 will provide 600 new homes, a new primary school and a new community hub.