Electronics giant in Hemel Hempstead puts spotlight on staff wellbeing

The home of Epson.The home of Epson.
The home of Epson.
A business group is working to promote greater sustainability in companies based in Hemel Hempstead.

The Hemel Hempstead Business Ambassadors are encouraging new ways of helping more people into work and for companies to ensure the wellbeing of staff.

The ambassadors met for a number of enlightening presentations at electronics giant Epson (UK) headquarters in Apsley, Hemel Hempstead.

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Stuart Chalmers, HR Manager, and Leonie Toal, PR & Social Media Manager, both from Epson (UK) outlined the company’s extensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme.

Mr Chalmers said the programme, which began to meet local needs, now incorporates United Nations’ sustainable development goals that cover not only social responsibility but also the wellbeing of staff.

He said: “Our CSR programme is designed to support the employees working within the business as well as charities and the circular economy.

“It acts as a differentiator, attracting employees as much as it does new business.”

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Epson began as a watch manufacturer in Japan in 1942 and now manufacturers computer printers and information and imaging related equipment, In addition, Sarah Barrett, Business and Community Engagement Manager for HMP The Mount, told the group about work to rehabilitate prisoners before the end of their sentences and about the benefits of businesses employing ex-offenders.

She said HMP The Mount will shortly be releasing dates for its employment events where inmates meet prospective employers ahead of their release.

The next meeting of the Business Ambassadors is on November 15 at West Herts College with speaker James Doe, assistant director of planning and regeneration at Dacorum Borough Council.

For further information visit www.investhemel.co.uk or contact Gary Stringer, Ambassador Place Manager, on tel: 01442 228808.

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