How did you propose to your other half? Hunt launched for nation's most romantic proposal

Did you plan it for months, get something custom made or fly to an exotic location?

If you pulled out all the stops for your marriage proposal, Swizzels wants to hear from you.

The Love Hearts sweets maker is launching a search across the UK to find the sweetest proposals of all time - and we’re sure that some of you could be strong contenders!

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Did you really think outside of the box when popping the question to your partner? Or were you the one who was swept off their feet when that all-important question was asked?

Sarah-Louise Heslop, marketing manager at Swizzels, which will produce 750 million Love Hearts before February 14, said: “We know that romance comes in lots of different shapes and sizes and that everyone’s idea of what’s romantic is different.

“We’re really looking forward to finding out about the weird and wonderful ways people have proposed.”

The search officially began yesterday, and will run until January 31. An independent judging panel will choose five of the best proposals - with the winner scoring a luxury weekend spa break for two, and Love Hearts goodies for the runners-up.

Share your proposal stories with the company, and with us, in the run up to Valentine’s Day in the hunt to find the country’s most romantic proposal ever.