Foodbank launches winter cash appeal

Sharon Boyall, DENS foodbank managerSharon Boyall, DENS foodbank manager
Sharon Boyall, DENS foodbank manager
A foodbank is in vital need of funds to help families in need over the winter months.

DENS Dacorum Foodbank needs £20,000 by the end of December and a further £20,000 by the end of March next year.

The money is needed to cover running costs including staff salaries, transport, premises, heating , lighting, computer and phone costs.

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The cost of a parcel to help one family for three days is £15.

One grateful recipient said: “We could not have managed without our food parcel, it enabled the family to eat during a period of crisis when we could nto afford to put food on the table for our children.”

Foodbank manager Sharon Boyall said: “We are very grateful to all our supporters for the donations of food, particularly that which has come in since our harvest appeal. The response to food collections at supermarkets has been fantastic. However, in addition to food supplies, we also require cash funds to keep the service running and sadly there is more demand than ever before for our food parcels.”

As Christmas approaches local people are asked to donate to the foodbank at or by sending a cheque marked Winter Appeal to DENS, Bury Lodge, 1 Queensway, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 1HT. All donations will receive a certificate of thanks.