Fighters prepare to step into the ring for the first time

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This Saturday fighters from two Hemel Hempstead gyms will step into the ring to do battle and for many it will be their first time in front of a crowd.

Six fighters from Britannia Gym - based in Adeyfield - will be getting into the ring at Liquid and Envy Nightclub in Luton.

They are Ricardo James, Tom Godfrey, Jack Haslett, Michael Hebbs and facing their debut bouts are Chris Baxter and Patrick Heffernen.

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The fighters have honed their skills alongside other members of the club under the expert guidance of head fitness coach Nick Morrish and head technical coach Shane Bernhauser.

Bobby Fielding and Mark Gibbings from Mmax Gym - formerly Hemel Martial Arts - will be competing for the first time under professional fighter and coach Denniston Sutherland.

Wez Crane, from the club in Fensomes Alley, Hemel, will be facing his second battle in the ring. The money he raises through ticket sales will be going to Stanmore’s Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, where his daughter was looked after.

Fighters from a total of 12 clubs from across the UK will be stepping into the ring for 19 fights bringing together sports men, women and juniors to compete in boxing, white collar boxing, full contact kickboxing and K1.

The first fight will be at 3.30pm and the event will finish by 8.30pm.

For tickets call 07813 877967 or 07583 692704 or the nightclub box office on 01582 405388.

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