Police warning after scam phone calls reported in Hemel Hempstead

You should never give your PIN number to anyone over the phoneYou should never give your PIN number to anyone over the phone
You should never give your PIN number to anyone over the phone
Residents are being urged to remain vigilant following a number of reports of scam phone calls in the Hemel Hempstead area.

On Thursday, June 1, Hertfordshire Constabulary received five separate reports of suspicious phone calls; four in Hemel Hempstead and one in Bovingdon.

Members of the public reported receiving both phone calls and answerphone messages from an individual claiming to work for HMRC. This person falsely accused them of owing large sums of money and said the police would arrest them if they did not transfer the money to them within a specified time period.

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Sergeant Ryan Hemmings, from the Dacorum Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “I would like to re-assure everyone that this is an example of a scam phone call and we will not be attending your address to arrest you.

“If you have received a phone call of this nature or similar, please can you email PCSO Braddan Webber (braddan.webber@herts.pnn.police.uk) with as much detail as you can remember from your phone call. We are currently investigating whoever is behind this and any information regarding what was discussed over the phone with these people would be incredibly useful.

“I would also like to remind everyone to not disclose any bank or personal details over the phone. Genuine police or bank staff would never ask you to withdraw or transfer cash from your account, nor would they ever ask for your four digit bank PIN number. Never tell anyone this number, it is for you to use in cash machines and shops only.”

Hertfordshire Constabulary’s advice on unexpected phone calls:

The police and banks would:

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NEVER ask for your bank account details or PIN number over the phone, so do not disclose these to anyone, no matter who they claim to be.

NEVER ask you to withdraw money and send it to them via a courier, taxi or by any other means.

NEVER ask you to send your bank cards, or any other personal property, to them via courier, taxi or by any other means.

NEVER ask you to transfer money from one account to another over the telephone.

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If you are not happy with a phone call and are suspicious of the conversation you have with the caller then please end the call and contact police via the non-emergency number, 101.

Remember, when reporting a suspicious phone call to police, wait at least five minutes before attempting to make the call or use a mobile or neighbour’s phone to ensure you’re not reconnected to the offender.