Speaker’s Corner: Serious issues simply must be addressed

Howard KochHoward Koch
Howard Koch
While the Tories paint a rosy picture of the present and future, there are several issues that need addressing.

It’s not all doom and gloom, but there are serious issues that face the UK, that are simply not being addressed by the government.

A week is a long time in politics, it is said. This cannot be more true. One second UKIP is called a one election wonder, then we have a Tory defection and the real prospect of the first UKIP MP.

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The media and government both said that it would be unlikely that UKIP would get the same results in the general election in 2015 as the EU election.

Well, this is only the first of many defections and with each one, winning seats in 2015 becomes more viable.

Since my last Speaker’s Corner, I have heard from the local government ombudsman regarding the disastrous Old Town High Street road works. Guess what? They are not interested!

I have to personally suffer in order to make a complaint, apparently. I am not sure just how this works; personal injury, loss of business, stress or other? We still have major parking issues, and it seems that no one in a position of authority cares.

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I have written to your present MP, Mr Penning (letters on file as proof), asking what he is going to do about it. His reply was that ‘he was gathering evidence’. I am very interested to see just how seriously Mr Penning is taking this issue and what his time frame is.

This country is facing very serious issues with regards to security. The EU has forced us into having open boarders. The latest estimate is that there are 2 million illegal immigrants living in the UK. This is totally unacceptable.

The further ramifications of the EU and the Court of Human Rights, are that we are powerless to stop militant Jihads from returning to the UK after committing atrocities in Syria and Iraq.

David Cameron has announced some measures but these will be circumvented via EU human rights - some Liberal Democrats do not even support these measures. We have lost control of our borders and we face a real threat to our population. The only way we can regain control is to leave the EU asap!

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There are ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’, someone once said. However, without proper statistics how can anyone make an honest appraisal of a situation?

The local headlines this week are that there has been an under recording of crime in Hertfordshire. We have been told that crime has been on the decrease.

How can we believe any government facts and figures in the light of these revelations? What other critical data has not been reported correctly?

UKIP policies are now more poignant than ever; border control, immigration, leaving the EU and crime, to name but a few.

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The LibLabCon has failed to do what is required to safeguard our country and the British public now realise this. More and more people are joining UKIP and helping make a difference.

Why? Because we are the only party prepared to do what is required.