Hemel MP welcomes Theresa May's latest statements about Brexit

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Hemel MP Mike Penning has spoken out to support the Prime Minister's latest stance on leaving the European Union.

Theresa May gave a speech on Tuesday outlining what “Brexit means Brexit” actually means, saying it will result in Britain leaving the single market and cutting EU immigration.

Mr Penningsaid: “I am absolutely delighted, this is exactly the right way to go. There never could be a half-hearted Brexit, we are either in or out and the democratic will of the people clearly stated that we want out.

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“By making it clear that we will not seek to stay in the single market, we will not have to accept free movement of people.

“Instead we will take back control of our borders which I believe is of vital importance and very much at the heart of what many people voted for in the referendum.”

Mr Penning played a key role in Mrs May’s campaign to become leader of the 
Conservative Party late last year, following the resignation of David Cameron.

He has been known as a Eurosceptic for some time, and in the 1990s acted as a media advisor to a group of Conservative “Euro rebels” who had the party whip taken for undermining then-leader John Major.

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Mr Penning said: “We will still welcome people from Europe to come and work or study here, but we will be able to control the numbers.

“I welcome the announcement that we will leave the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice so we can take back control of our own laws.

“We will negotiate our own trade deals – deals that benefit us and not a group of 28 disparate nations – with countries all around the world.”