Vandals target kids’ playground in Tring

Parents were left shocked after mindless vandals trashed playground equipment at a children’s park.

Brazen crooks ripped off swings, punctured a metal slide, and decimated a bench at Miswell Park, Tring in the early hours of Saturday, leaving behind broken glass.

Mum Emma Louise Lane, of New Mill, was taking her nieces to the park when she first spotted the damage.

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“I thought I’d go and enjoy some time with the kids but someone had wrecked the park, leaving broken glass everywhere,” she said


“I’m totally shocked that a person would purposely ruin play equipment.”

After seeing the slide had been cordoned off by police Emma and another parent cleared up the glass.

The 43-year-old added: “In general I have no issue with teenagers hanging out at the park in the evenings as most respect it.

“But sadly it’s just a few that ruin it for everyone else.”

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The vandalism was first reported to police at 10am on Saturday, April 13.

Officers confirmed the incident happened between midnight on April 12 and 10am the following day.

A spokesman said: “Damage was caused to a slide at Miswell Lane Play Park in Miswell Lane, Tring.

Two holes were made in the slide.


“Damage was also caused to a footpath leading to the play area.”

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A spokesman from Dacorum Borough Council said: “Damage caused in Miswell Park is being dealt with by our parks team to remedy. The matter has been reported to the police.”

Anyone with information about the incident should contact police via the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference 41/33569/19.

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111